Dog DietDogs

Can Dogs Eat Beef Jerky? The Shocking Truth Revealed

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can dogs have beef jerky

Many dog owners wonder if they should share their favorite meaty snacks with their pets, especially when they see those longing eyes watching closely. It’s no secret that dogs have an instinctive craving for meat, a trait inherited from their carnivorous, wolf-like ancestors. While your four-legged friend may not need to hunt to survive anymore, the desire for a quick snack persists. But before you give in to that tempted feeling and share a piece of jerky, it’s essential to consider the nutritional needs of your pooch. What may seem like a harmless snack could surprise you with potential risks to their health.

Although beef jerky may seem like just dried meat, the truth is that today’s jerky products often contain ingredients that could be harmful to dogs. Teriyaki or peppered jerky is packed with seasonings that can be dangerous if ingested by your pup.


When considering if your pup can consume beef jerky, it’s essential to have a simple perspective. Typically, the answer is a resounding no. Many beef jerky products are processed with added ingredients and seasonings that may be harmful to dogs. For example, the sodium levels in store-bought jerky can be alarmingly high. Most brands are packed with over 400 mg of sodium per piece, which can lead to serious health issues for your four-legged friends. Veterinarians often recommend that dogs should have a daily intake of less than 100 mg of sodium, making jerky an unsuitable snack.

dog eating beef jerky

Moreover, beef jerky often contains preservatives and spices, which are not necessary for a dog’s diet. These added flavors can cause an upset stomach, leading to vomiting or diarrhea. The biggest concern revolves around high-salt diets, which can lead to a whole host of problems. If you’re looking to treat your pup, it’s vital to choose snacks that are made from natural, single-source meat without additives.

If you really want to share a piece of jerky with your dog, be sure to consider the quality of the product. Some premium brands may offer options without harmful ingredients. However, even the best jerky should be given in moderation. Always take the time to transition slowly when introducing new foods. So, while it may be tempting to toss your pup a piece of beef jerky, remember that it’s best to find a more suitable and safer treat for your furry friend.


Beef jerky is a tasty treat made from lean beef. The process to create it is not as simple as it seems. First, the meat is trimmed and then cut into pieces. It is dried to help preserve it. During this dehydrating process, salt is added, which also helps prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. The term “jerky” comes from the Quechua word “ch’arki,” which means “dried, salted meat.”

Can dogs eat beef jerky?

This delicious snack has a long and interesting history that goes back centuries. Originally, it was a way to preserve meat for longer periods. Over the years, it has become an international delicacy, enjoyed by many people around the world. Its popularity grew in North America during the 1800s as methods of food preservation improved, including using vinegar and salt to cure the meat. Notably, Robert Warren Murray Jr. opened a commercial factory for beef jerky in 1926, called Murray’s Jerkies, which still sells great jerky today.


When feeding your furry friend beef jerky, it’s crucial to be aware of the harmful ingredients it may contain. Many types of jerky are processed with:

  1. Excessive salt
  2. Garlic
  3. Onion
  4. Peppers
  5. Spicy flavors
  6. Xylitol
  7. Sodium
  8. Nitrates
  9. Additives
  10. Preservatives


When it comes to beef jerky, the general health risks cannot be ignored.


One big concern is sodium poisoning, also known as hypernatremia. This condition can happen if your dog consumes a large amount of salt. Normally, if a dog eats too much salt, it might drink water to help balance the salt in its blood. However, if there is no water available or if they consume too much too quickly, their cells will start to release water to combat the harmful effects. This can lead to serious dangers. When a dog suffers from sodium poisoning, the lack of moisture can destroy its brain cells.

Can dogs eat beef jerky?

Your dog might suffer from headaches, dizziness, and even seizures. The worst effects can be neurological, causing brain cells to dry out, which may make your dog face a coma or experience convulsions.


It may also lead to gastrointestinal distress, which includes serious concerns like vomiting and dehydration. These problems can result in more than just discomfort; your dog may experience severe diarrhea as well. It’s important to monitor your furry friend closely after giving them treats like beef jerky to ensure their health and safety. Always be cautious about what you feed them to avoid these unpleasant situations.


When considering whether dogs can have beef jerky, it is crucial to think about kidney disease. If your dog has any underlying health conditions like liver disease or kidney problems, beef jerky can be especially harmful.


If a dog consumes too much salty beef jerky, it can lead to excessive thirst and frequent urination. This can put a strain on their body and cause serious symptoms. Dogs may experience muscle spasms and fluid buildup, which can make them uncomfortable. Additionally, their increased heart rate can indicate that they are struggling to cope with the effects of dehydration. In severe cases, these issues could lead to serious health problems, even death. Therefore, it’s vital to monitor how much beef jerky your dog eats and provide plenty of fresh water to help prevent dehydration.

lazy ill dog


Beef jerky is often dense and chewy, which can make it difficult for dogs to swallow properly. If a dog tries to eat a large piece too quickly, it can lead to blockages in the digestive system. This is not only dangerous but also comes with serious risks for their health. As a pet owner, it’s essential to be aware of these concerns when feeding your dog beef jerky or similar treats. Always ensure that the pieces are small enough to minimize the risk of choking and help keep your furry friend safe.

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The facts show that some jerky treats have even been linked to alarming cases. Since 2016, there have been mass warnings issued by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), due to reports of fatal reactions in dogs consuming certain labeled jerky products. Over 5,200 complaints and 1,140 canine deaths were reported from 2007 to the end of 2015, with many pet owners sharing heartbreaking stories of their sick, sometimes dying dogs. This has caused understandable fear among dog moms and dads, but that doesn’t mean we should simply relent and substitute with humans’ favorite jerky snacks.


When considering what kind of beef jerky is suitable for our furry friends, it’s crucial to choose the right options. Ideally, look for plain, dried meat that has minimal added ingredients. A high-protein treat can be healthy for your dog, but it’s important to serve it in moderation. You have to avoid any jerky intended for human consumption because those can contain harmful levels of salt and artificial additives.

beef jerky

When shopping for dog treats, aim for products that are 100% natural and free from artificial ingredients like colors, dyes, and flavors. The best options are those that do not include hormones, corn, or grains, which can be detrimental to your pet’s health. Look for treats that highlight the process of curing and packaging—those that are preserved naturally are usually safer. As a dog owner, I’ve seen firsthand how delicious and engaging these high-quality treats can be for my pup. Just keep an eye out for red flags: steer clear of excessive salt, brewer’s rice, syrup, nitrites, propylene glycol, and other chemical additives. Your best friend deserves only the best!


When it comes to giving dogs a treat, homemade beef jerky is a great option if made properly. Not only is it delicious, but it’s also high in protein and low in fat, which makes it a healthy choice. The texture of jerky can be naturally occupying, keeping your pup happy and satisfied. There are many recipes available that are intended to make multiple servings, and you can adjust the amount you give based on your dog’s weight and dietary needs. For an alternative treat, consider using deer antlers, which are also high in protein and can provide similar benefits while being more natural. Here is my favorite way to prepare this delicious snack for your furry friend.


Making jerky at home ensures that you use lean beef and healthy ingredients without any added sugar. Here’s a my favorite way to prepare this delicious snack for your furry friend.

Lean Beef As needed High Protein, Low Fat
Unsweetened Pineapple Juice 1 cup Natural Sweetness
Liquid Aminos 1/2 cup Gluten Free Soy Sauce
Apple Cider Vinegar 1/2 cup Digestive Health
Ginger Powder Pinch Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Fish Sauce A bit Adds Flavor
  1. Mix the marinade: Combine the pineapple juice, liquid aminos, apple cider vinegar, fish sauce, ginger powder, and liquid smoke in a glass container or a Ziploc bag.
  2. Prepare the meat: Slice the beef into thin, uniform pieces.
  3. Marinate: Place the sliced beef in the marinade for 4 to 24 hours to soak up all the flavors.
  4. Dehydrate: If you’re using a dehydrator, preheat it to 160 degrees F. If you prefer an oven, set it to the lowest setting.
  5. Dry the meat: After marinating, pat the meat dry with a paper towel and arrange it on baking sheets or cookie sheets lined with parchment paper. Make sure there is enough space between slices for airflow.
  6. Set the timer: For a dehydrator, set it for 4 hours. In an oven, it should be around 3 hours.
  7. Check for doneness: The jerky is ready when it looks shrunken, dark-colored, and bendable but completely dry.

After it cools down, store the jerky in an airtight container to keep it fresh. This way, your dog can enjoy a safe and healthy treat that’s made with love! After all, dogs show affection through the little moments we share, like snack time.


Can dogs eat homemade beef jerky?


If your dog has eaten beef jerky, don’t panic! I can imagine how stressful it must be to find your furry friend snacking on something they shouldn’t. Just the other day, I was simulating a scenario where a dog named Buddy, who was always getting into things, managed to snatch some beef jerky off a table while his owner was in the other room. It’s crucial to stay calm and take some quick steps to ensure their safety. Here’s what you should do:

  1. Quench Their Thirst: Offer your dog a bowl of fresh water. They might feel very thirsty after eating something salty. Make sure they have enough to gulp down to balance their thirst.
  2. Monitor for Side Effects: Keep an eye on your dog for any reactions. Look out for symptoms like excessive drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, or lethargy. If you notice any of these, it might mean the jerky isn’t sitting well with them.
  3. Assess the Amount Consumed: If your dog ate a large amount of beef jerky, it’s best to be cautious. The quantity they consume matters for their health.
  4. Call the Veterinarian: If any bad side effects continue or if they seem unwell, reach out to your veterinarian. They can give you the best guidance for your dog’s situation.
  5. Prevent Future Snacking: After your dog snatched the jerky, think about where you place snacks. Keeping food out of reach and using barriers can help prevent this from happening again.

Staying vigilant and prepared can make a big difference for your furry companion when they get into something they shouldn’t.


There are many tasty and healthy options for your dog! While beef jerky should be plain and unseasoned, here are some irresistible chews and treats that offer the flavor of real beef without the drawbacks:

    1. Beef treats: Real beef strips and sticks, crafted from the finest-quality cattle, are nutritious and high-protein.
    2. Bully hide sticks: A delicious combination of digestible rawhide and 100% real bully stick that your dog will love.
    3. Stuffed shin bones: Filled with savory beef-flavored filling, perfect for strong chewers and can be refilled with spreadable treats.
    4. Beef hide chips: A tasty and occupying option, shaped like jerky for a fun chewing experience.
  1. Pumpkin: An excellent source of fiber and a natural detoxifier.
  2. Green beans: A good source of protein and vitamins A and C.
  3. Carrots: Rich in beta-carotene, which is great for your dog’s vision.

With these options, you can keep your furry friend happy, busy, and satisfied while supporting their overall health!


In wrapping up, while beef jerky might seem like a tempting treat for your dog, it’s crucial to prioritize their health and safety. Always consider safe and nutritious alternatives. Your furry friend will appreciate the thought you put into their treats, keeping them happy and healthy in the long run. Trust your instincts and make informed choices for their well-being!


Human beef jerky is not ideal for dogs due to high salt, preservatives, and seasonings like garlic and onion, which can be toxic. It’s best to avoid giving it to your dog and stick to treats specifically made for them.
Jerky can be tough for some dogs to digest, especially if it's too chewy or contains additives. Dogs with sensitive stomachs or gastrointestinal issues may experience discomfort or upset after consuming jerky.
Yes, the packet or any packaging from beef jerky can be harmful if ingested. It can pose a choking hazard or cause gastrointestinal blockages, so it’s crucial to keep packaging away from pets.
Yes, jerky can potentially cause blockages in dogs, especially if they chew it too quickly or consume large pieces. This can lead to serious health issues, requiring immediate veterinary attention.

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