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Warning! How to Soften Deer Antlers for Your Dog’s Safety!

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When you have dogs, finding the right chew toy can be a challenge. Most pets are happy to chew on anything they find, but it’s crucial to prevent destructive chewing habits. As a pet parent, you want something that’s both safe and long-lasting for your furry companion. That’s where natural deer antlers come in. They make a perfect chewy treat for your furry friend while providing health benefits.

Before letting your dog enjoy this, though, there is some prep work involved. It’s essential to pick fresh antlers, ensuring they’re clean and ready for chewing.

Antlers are a popular supplement for dogs, but as a pet owner, you might wonder whether they’re truly harmless. While these natural products come with benefits, there are potential risks too. Some pet owners are concerned that deer antlers may be too hard and could cause damage to your dog’s teeth. Still, many find that with proper preparation, antler dog chews are not only safe but also a healthy product for their dogs to enjoy.


When it comes to antlers for dogs, there are a few types to consider. Following 3 types are most popular:

  • Elk Antlers
  • Deer Antlers
  • Moose Antlers

Here is the difference between them:

Elk AntlersElk antlers offer moderate pricing and have optimal density. Their low outer-structure to marrow ratio makes them gentle on a dog’s teeth.They don’t contain as many nutrients as moose antlers.
Deer AntlersDeer antlers are cheap and last a long time due to their hard structure, providing extended chewing time.Their hardness can cause dental injuries and they may snap or crack due to lack of core marrow.
Moose AntlersMoose antlers provide greater nutrient content and have the lowest outer-structure to marrow ratio, making them highly nutritious.They are expensive, less dense, and don’t last as long as deer or elk antlers.


When deciding which antlers are best for dogs, it’s important to weigh both durability and safety. Deer antlers stand out as the best option if you’re looking for something that lasts the longest. Their hard structure ensures they are tough and durable, giving your dog plenty of chewing time. However, this same toughness can be a drawback, as Deer antlers are so hard that they could potentially cause dental injuries. Despite this, their cheap pricing and long-lasting nature make them a popular choice for dog owners willing to manage the dental risks.


Why is it necessary to soften deer antlers for dogs? The truth is that while antlers are a great natural chew, they can be tough, especially for puppies below six months old. Their tender teeth are at risk of being damaged by the hard bone surface of the antlers. Softening them can help make the chewing experience safe and enjoyable, providing the benefit of reducing the chance of any dental issues that might arise.

Many pet owners have questions about whether this practice is safe, and the answer often depends on the specific dog. Fortunately, there are various methods to treat the whole antler chews, ensuring they remain a healthy and fun option for your furry friends. Softening the antlers helps ensure their dental health and encourages them to enjoy chewing without the worry of causing harm. Here is the easiest way you can choose to soften deer antlers.


To start the cleaning process, you’ll want to ensure your deer antlers are ready for use. Begin by using a soft cloth to rub the surface, which helps remove any visible dirt and contaminants. For tougher spots, like stubborn hair, a wire brush or a damp cloth works best to scrub them away. This initial cleaning step is essential in preparing the antlers, ensuring that they are not only clean but also safe for your furry friend.

Once you have tackled the surface dirt, it is important to note that this may not fully eliminate all layers of bacteria that might be lurking on the antlers. For a more thorough approach, consider additional methods like sterilization or even the boiling method.


Soaking deer antlers in is one of the best ways to make them safer and more appealing for your dog. It’s recommended to let the antlers soak for 24-48 hours. This process helps soften the antlers, making it easier for your furry friend to chew them. This simple practice comes with multiple benefits:


Start by filling a bowl or bucket with fresh water. This method helps soften deer antlers while ensuring your dog can enjoy their chew safely. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Fill the bowl or bucket with fresh water.
  • Place the antlers in the water, ensuring they are fully submerged.
  • Soak the antlers for up to two days.
  • Remove the antlers before they become too mushy.

how to soften deer antlers for dogs?


Another effective method for softening deer antlers is by soaking them in broth. Using either chicken broth or beef broth not only makes the antlers more appealing but also adds a delicious flavor that your dog will love. Here’s how to do it:

  • Fill a container with broth.
  • Place the antlers in the broth, ensuring they are fully submerged.
  • Let them soak for a few hours to absorb the tasty flavors.


Boiling deer antlers is an effective step to soften them for your dog. This method involves heating the antlers in a liquid, which can help reduce the risk of splintering and make them safer for your furry friend. It’s essential to be aware of the dangers associated with this process, as improper boiling can lead to gastrointestinal blockage due to cooked bones. You can boil them for 30 minutes max.

In Water

  • Boil deer antlers in water.
  • Stay on your toes, as they may start splintering.
  • You must get rid of any grime.
  • Once taken out, you must immediately immerse them in cold water.
  • This process is called blanching and involves submerging the antlers in a cooking pot for a few minutes.

In Broth

can dogs eat softened deer antlers

  • Boil deer antlers in chicken broth or beef broth.
  • This helps get rid of any old residues.
  • When boiled, it’s crucial to ensure they do not splinter easily.
  • As with boiling in water, eliminate grime and old residues.
  • Once taken out, they must be immersed in cold water as part of the blanching process.
  • This method also adds flavor, making them more appealing to your dog.


When it comes to softening deer antlers for your dog, preparing them correctly is key. This step can make a big difference in how enjoyable and safe the experience is for your furry friend. Here are some easy and efficient methods to get it right:

  • Chop the antlers into pieces to make them easier to handle.
  • Toss the chopped antlers into the pan.

Following these steps will ensure that your dog has a safe and enjoyable time chewing on their antlers. For added flavor, you might even consider rubbing a bit of sauerkraut juice on the antlers, as the tangy taste can entice your dog to chew.


After you have softened the deer antlers for your dog, it’s time for the final touches to make them even more appealing. These steps can add a bit of interest and enhance the palatability for your furry friend. Here are some easy ways to finish preparing the antlers:


  • Use sandpaper to smooth out any sharp edges. This keeps your dog safe while chewing.
  • If you want to add a pleasing aroma, you can rub a bit of olive oil or peanut butter on the antlers. This gives them a delicious flavor that dogs love.
  • You might also consider using Worcestershire sauce for an extra kick. Just a little will do!
  • Lastly, make sure to keep the antlers in a dry place when not in use. You can even keep them buried in your backyard or hidden away in a forest setting to maintain that natural smell.

These creative touches will help ensure that your dog enjoys their antlers and that they stay safe while chewing.


When preparing deer antlers for your dog, it’s important to sterilize them properly. This will help ensure they are safe and free from any harmful bacteria or contaminants. Here’s a list of methods to effectively sterilize deer antlers before giving them to your pup:

Tips for Sterilizing Deer Antlers

  • Blanche the antlers by placing them in boiling water for a couple of minutes to kill germs.
  • After blanching, immediately drop them into icy water to stop the cooking process and maintain a good texture.
  • Use dish soap and a cloth to wash off any visible dirt or debris.
  • For deeper cleaning, soak the antlers overnight in a solution made of over-the-counter bleach and water. Soak them upside down for a couple of hours until the solution turns cloudy, indicating it’s working.
  • After soaking, rinse them in clean water for about half an hour to remove any bleach residue, which could affect your dog’s mouth.
  • Pat them dry with a towel and let them air-dry completely before sharing them with your dog.
  • To enhance the flavor, soak the antlers in chicken or beef broth overnight, making them more appealing as a chew.

By following these steps, you can ensure that the deer antlers you give your dog are not only safe but also tasty and enjoyable.

How to soften deer antlers for dogs?

What to Do If Your Dog Has Become Disinterested in Antlers?

If your dog has become disinterested in antlers, here are several effective strategies to reignite their interest:

Enhance Flavor:

  • Spread peanut butter or cream cheese on the surface of the antlers.
  • Soak the antlers in chicken or beef broth to boost their aroma and taste.

Rotate Chew Toys:

  • Store the antlers away for a few weeks to keep them fresh.
  • Reintroduce them later to restore novelty.

Make It a Game:

  • Hide the antlers around the house or yard for your dog to find.
  • Turn chew time into a playful activity to spark curiosity.

Offer Different Sizes:

  • Provide antlers of various sizes or shapes to capture your dog’s interest.
  • Larger or more textured antlers may be more appealing.

Incorporate Training:

  • Use the antlers during training sessions as a reward.
  • Create a positive association with the antlers through positive reinforcement.

How Many Deer Antlers Can Your Dog Enjoy?

Dog eating deer antlers

When it comes to letting your dog enjoy soft deer antlers, monitoring how often they chew is essential. I’ve noticed that while these antlers are great for your dog’s dental health and provide nutrient-rich marrow, they can also contain protein, which, in excess, may cause an upset stomach or even vomiting. I usually let my dog chew on less than an inch of antler each day to avoid any potential health concerns. Always provide plenty of drinking water when your pet is dealing with an antler or any bone.

I’ve found that keeping a water bowl nearby encourages hydration during chew time. Additionally, if the antler becomes small enough for your dog to swallow, it’s best to take it away immediately. Likewise, ensure that your dog is gnawing on the antler rather than trying to chomp it into pieces, as this can pose a choking hazard. Following these guidelines has helped me ensure that my dog enjoys her antlers safely and happily.


When you’re ready to serve the softened deer antlers to your furry friend, it’s important to follow a few simple steps for a safe and enjoyable experience. Here’s how to do it:

  • Let the antlers dry for at least a half hour before offering them to eliminate excess moisture and prevent them from getting soaked.
  • Consider coating the antlers with a dog-safe food spread, like peanut butter, to make them more appealing.
  • Keep an eye on how your dog chews the antlers to ensure they are enjoying them safely.
  • For an aggressive chewer, leave the antlers in the solution for 24+ hours to make sure they’re soft enough.
  • If your dog isn’t a heavy chewer, you can offer the antlers sooner.
  • Always check for any left behind small pieces, as they could present a choking hazard.

Following these tips will help ensure a positive chewing experience for your dog!


Deer antlers keep dogs entertained while offering excellent nutritional health benefits. They’re incredibly durable and long-lasting, which means your dog will have hours of enjoyable chewing. Watching your dog gnaw on a chewy treat like an antler helps to suppress their urge to chew on shoes, furniture, or even bite your hand. Moreover, this activity helps to support your dog’s oral health.

Being a pet parent, you can relax knowing that your furry friend is enjoying something both tasty and beneficial. While the chew will last for a long time, your dog will not only stay occupied but also enjoy the health benefits that come with this natural product.

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Many vets consider antlers a natural chew option for dogs, as they are high in protein and minerals. However, they recommend monitoring chewing habits to prevent potential dental damage. Always consult your vet for personalized advice based on your dog's size and chewing behavior.
No, antlers do not dissolve in dogs' stomachs. They are made of dense bone material that can be difficult to digest. If a dog swallows large pieces, it may lead to gastrointestinal blockages or other issues, so it's essential to supervise chewing and remove any small or broken pieces.
You should allow your dog to chew on an antler for about 15 to 30 minutes at a time, depending on their chewing habits and interest. Monitor their chewing to prevent excessive wear on their teeth and remove the antler if it becomes small enough to pose a choking hazard. Regularly check for splintering and replace as needed.
You should throw away a dog antler when it becomes small enough to pose a choking hazard, shows significant splintering, or has sharp edges that could injure your dog. Additionally, if it has an unusual smell or has been chewed down to a size that's difficult to handle safely, it's best to discard it. Regularly inspect the antler to ensure it's still safe for your dog.

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