Can Dogs Eat Pine Cone? 7 Severe Life Threats

Can dogs eat pine cone? Its commonly reported issue in autumn that dogs attempt to chew on a piece of pine cone. However, eating pine cone can be extremely dangerous for your canine fellow. It can lead to serious blockages and can even cut his throat or intestines resulting in internal bleedings. It can be very painful for your innocent dog.

I had the misfortune to encounter this experience. I was taking bath while pine cones were placed on my kitchen counter. In my absence, he demonstrated the courage to attack pine cones and tried to ingest them. Thankfully, it only got stuck in his throat. One of my friends also faced the same experience. In his case, matter got so worse and ended up having his dog’s surgery.

Let’s discuss pros and cons of feeding pine cones to dogs.

What Are Pine Cones?

Pine cone is basically reproductive organ of a pine tree which seems like a cylindrical cone. Its purpose it to protect the pine seeds nested in from being harvested by birds and some mammals. Just like humans and other living things, these also grow in two genders. Pine cones are classified into two categories:

  1. Male pine cones
  2. Female pine cones

The soft and smaller one among them are referred as male pine cones which have a shorter life span. Whereas those hard, woody and sharp ones are female pine cones. Their size usually varies between 2cm to 50cm. They not only differ in sizes but one can distinguish them in multiple shades of brown too.

can dog eat pine cone?
can dog eat pine cone?

They are frequently eaten in winter season by both humans and mammals however they are not safe for your canine companion. You can often find pine cones that have fallen on the ground in gardens and parks.

Can Dogs Eat Pine Cones?

Pine cones are highly toxic to pets. Andromedotoxin, found in pine cones, boosts the heart rate and can trigger other cardiovascular issues. Even letting your dog eat it in minimal quantities is strictly prohibited by vets since it can create serious blockages, result in internal bleeding and highlight some other health issues that include vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite.

In simple words, dogs can not eat pine cones. If your dog has mistakenly ingested a small piece of it, immediately take him to the nearest vet.

Why Do Dogs Eat Pine Cones?

 Four major reasons for which your pet gets attracted to pine cones are discussed below:

can dog eat pine cone?
can dog eat pine cone?


Animals are highly sensitive to changes in their environment and daily routine. When faced with sudden alterations, they can experience stress and anxiety, which may lead to various health issues. For instance, if you’re unable to spend time with your dog, it may resort to chewing pine cones as a way to pass the time. However, this behavior can be indicative of underlying stress and may exacerbate other health problems.


Dogs, known for their endearing innocence, can get overly enthusiastic about minor stimuli, sometimes disregarding limits in their excitement. It’s not uncommon to see them nibbling on plants during these moments, driven by their innate curiosity, exploratory nature, and the urge to engage with their surroundings. Nevertheless, pet owners should remain vigilant, as certain plants may be harmful to dogs and could lead to significant health issues if consumed.

Feeling Bored:

Dogs thrive on an active lifestyle that includes regular interaction with the public and engaging in physical exercise to maintain their overall health. Studies indicate that dogs willingly adapt to a busy schedule. Unfortunately, many pet owners overlook this fact and allow their dogs to stay home alone, inactive, for extended periods. In such conditions, dogs may become bored and restless due to having ample time with nothing to do. Consequently, they may resort to chewing plants as a means of passing the time. This behavior underscores the importance of providing dogs with mental stimulation and physical activity to prevent boredom and its associated consequences.

You can buy good quality chewing teether for your dogs to prevent them from chewing harmful things by clicking on the following link.

can dog eat pine cone?
can dog eat pine cone?

Mental Issues:

Indeed, it’s crucial to furnish dogs with suitable chew toys or alternatives to fulfill their natural inclination and requirement for mental stimulation. When this need remains unmet, dogs may resort to inappropriate items like pine cones for chewing, often driven by boredom or anxiety alleviation. Chewing not only offers a physical outlet but also serves to stimulate their cognitive faculties, ensuring mental engagement and contentment.

Are Pine Cones Poisonous For Dogs?

Dogs may not exhibit symptoms of poisoning due to pine cones immediately but after 48 hours, you can judge them by keeping a close eye on your dog’s behavior. You might suspect some weird changes in its behavior. However, some common symptoms which they demonstrate after twenty four hours of consuming pine cones include:

  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Drooling
  • Nausea

Consumption of pine cone can invite multiple life-threatening diseases to a dog’s body. If you observe any of these symptoms, do not hesitate consulting a vet.

Life-Threatening Health Issues Triggered by Consumption of Pine Cones by Dogs

Even if pine cones are consumed in minimal quantity, canine health is compromised. About a couple of years ago, a dog in my neighborhood lose his life within a month after consumption of pine cones. The negligence of his owner’s at very initial stage costed him a loyal canine fellow. Aah! What could be worse than it.

Are pine cone poisonous to dogs
Are pine cone poisonous to dogs

Here I have discussed all the life-threatening health issues encouraged to save my stranger friends from such a big sorrow. Let’s have a look on them.


However, pine cones themselves are not too toxic if consumed in little quantity but still your dog might start frequently vomiting. The rough texture of pine cones may become a cause of irritation and discomfort in the digestive track. This encourages vomiting. Additionally, the sap or resin found in some types of pine cones can be irritating to a dog’s stomach and may lead to vomiting.

if you notice your dog vomiting and suspect they have consumed pine cones, seek for immediate veterinary attention to avoid health risks.

Loss of appetite

If dogs eat pine cones, they might not want to eat their regular food. Dogs may swallow pine cones, leading to several issues that can result in a loss of appetite.

  • Rough texture of pine cones fosters gastrointestinal irritations ultimately resulting in loss of appetite in dogs. In some cases, it may lead to blockages making dogs feel unwell and avoid food.
  • Sharp edges of pine cones can cause injuries, which may resist a dog from eating or cause pain when they try to chew on their food.
  • If a dog ingests small pieces of pine cone, it can lead to nausea or an upset stomach, making them less inclined to eat their regular meals.

To explore other causes of loss of appetite in dogs you can click here


Digesting pine cones can be a fatigue for your dog, he might suffer lack of energy. if a dog has swallowed a few pieces of pine cones, it can cause blockages or obstructions in the digestive tract. This can lead to feelings of lethargy as the body diverts energy to deal with health issue.

What to do if dog eats pine cone
What to do if dog eats pine cone

the ingestion of pine cones can result in minor injuries or irritation in the dog’s mouth or throat, causing discomfort and which may resist your pet to engage in normal activities. To explore more about causes of lethargy in dogs, you can click here.


Chewing on pine cones, can foster formation of excessive saliva or drooling as a response to the unusual texture and taste of the cone. Pine cones include sap or resin that can be irritating to a dog’s mouth and throat, leading to increased salivation.

If your dog starts drooling a lot after eating pine cones, you should keep an eye on them.. If the drooling keeps happening, it’s a good idea to see a vet. The vet can make sure your dog is okay. He might also prescribe you some medicines. Your dog’s well-being is important, so don’t hesitate to get help from a vet if needed.

Throat Swelling

Throat swelling is a serious and life-threatening issue for dogs. No doubt, consuming pine cones can be a reason for the swollen throat. Rough texture of pine cones can cause physical irritation to the dog’s throat when chewed on or swallowed. It may lead to:

  • Breathing difficulties
  • Coughing
  • Gagging

The swelling can risk the dog’s natural breathing abilities. Thus, if you suspect your dog with swollen throat, immediately visit an experienced vet without wasting a single minute.

Pine Cones Can Cause Intestinal Blockages

Yes, there is a probability that pine cones might get stuck somewhere in your dog’s throat, esophagus or intestines. This serious blockage can create breathing issues as well as gastrointestinal issues. It can serve as a cause for stress too. The rough texture of pine cone irritates your dog leading in demonstration of some weird behavior.

pine cone can injure your dog mouth
pine cone can injure your dog mouth

In some serious cases, the only solution to this situation can be a surgery. Yes, you read it right. Ingesting a pine cone can not only be a cause for some serious blockage but some other issues too. Some of them are discussed above while few are discussed below.

Pine Cones Can Injure Your Dog’s Mouth

Since they have a rough and hard structure, it might splinter into tiny pieces and can damage your dog’s tongue, it may raise other dental issues and can start bleeding from the upper roof of your dog’s mouth. Your dog may swallow some of these pieces which encourages internal bleeding from other body organs too.

As these sharp broken pieces pass through the throat or intestinal track, it can cut the throat down causing internal bleeding. On the other hands, if somehow the broken pieces safely pass through throat, they can cause irritation in intestines. They might also cut the intestinal walls. It derives a way for harmful bacteria to spread all over the body.

How to Stop Your Dog From Eating Pine Cones?

There are always ways to find a solution to such problems. Similarly, you can adopt some serious measures to discourage such behavior in your dogs. Study proves that such behaviors are observed in stray dogs rather than trained ones. Here are a few solutions:

1. Hide such things One way that can help you achieve your mission is keeping such things beyond your pet’s approach. Hide pine cones at places your dog is not aware of or at places your dog can’t access.
2. Train Your Dog The best thing you could do in this regard is training your dog with positive reinforcement. This enhances your communication with your dog and make him more obedient to your commands.
3. Using a Bitter Spraying Using bitter spray worsens the taste of pine cones which might prove to be beneficial in meeting your aim. This will gradually discourage your dog to chew on pine cones.
4. Use A Leash Another way is to use a leash while walking. This will prevent him from eating pine cones. You can also keep him busy in some other activities too which lessens the time available for him to engage in such activities.
Dog Eats a Pine Cone

What To Do If Dog Eats Pine Cone?

The very first thing, you should do is to keep yourself calm. Many of us get hyper at such situations as I did and later realized, it was a mistake.

You should immediately refer to nearest vet. He might undergo some examinations and conclude what type of treatment should be adopted. In some serious situations, it is resolved by surgery however mostly surgery can be avoided by proper medication and adopting some other natural remedies for cure.

How to stop your dog eating pine cone
What to do if dog eats pine cone

Can Dogs Chew On Pine Wood?

Allowing dogs to chew on pine wood poses several considerations. Firstly, pine wood contains natural resins and oils that, when ingested excessively, can lead to stomach upset, vomiting, diarrhea, or allergic reactions. Additionally, its soft texture makes it prone to splintering, risking injuries to the mouth, throat, or digestive tract if consumed. Therefore, close supervision is vital to prevent ingestion of splinters or large wood pieces. Offering safe alternatives like rubber or nylon toys redirects chewing behavior while meeting the dog’s need to chew.

Furthermore, considering any treatments or chemicals applied to pine wood, such as stains or preservatives, is crucial. These substances may be toxic if ingested, necessitating the avoidance of treated pine wood to ensure the dog’s safety. Additionally, individual sensitivities vary, so monitoring for adverse reactions and consulting a veterinarian if concerns arise is advisable.

Is Pine Poisonous To Animals?

Yes, pine can be harmful to animals if ingested in large quantities. Pine contains natural resins and oils that, when consumed excessively, may cause stomach upset, vomiting, diarrhea, or allergic reactions in animals. Additionally, the soft nature of pine wood makes it prone to splintering, posing a risk of injuries to the mouth, throat, or digestive tract if ingested. It’s important to supervise animals closely to prevent ingestion of splinters or large pieces of pine wood. Providing safe chewing alternatives can help redirect their behavior and ensure their well-being.

Can Pine Needles Hurt Dogs’ Paws?

Yes, pine needles can potentially hurt dogs’ paws. The sharp edges and points of pine needles may cause irritation or minor injuries to a dog’s paw pads, especially if they walk or run over them repeatedly. Additionally, some dogs may be sensitive to certain substances found in pine needles, which could lead to allergic reactions or discomfort. It’s essential to be mindful of your dog’s environment and avoid areas with large amounts of pine needles if you notice any signs of paw discomfort or irritation. Regularly inspecting and cleaning your dog’s paws after walks can also help prevent issues.


As a conclusion, I might say that its better to adopt some measures to prevent such situations before encountering them. Believe me, it is not easy to deal with such serious pandemics. However, if you are found victim to such situation, the best thing you could do is to consult a vet.

To sum up, pine cones are not toxic themselves but their structure can be a cause of multiple serious health issues your dog may encounter after ingesting them. here I have discussed several measures which can help you stop your dog from eating pine cones.


Pine cones are not considered digestible, and they can pose a risk if ingested by animals, including dogs. The woody and fibrous nature of pine cones makes them difficult to break down in the digestive tract, and they can potentially cause blockages or obstructions.
Yews are highly toxic to dogs, as well as other animals and humans, due to the presence of compounds called taxines, which can cause severe and often fatal poisoning. While other common pine trees are not typically as toxic as Yews, they can still cause issues if ingested in large quantities. Pine needles, sap, and other parts of pine trees can cause gastrointestinal upset, irritation, and discomfort for dogs. Additionally, some dogs may have allergies to pine.
If your dog eats a pine cone, it could potentially lead to various issues, though the severity depends on the size of the pine cone, the specific species of pine, and your dog's size. Here are some potential concerns: Choking Hazard Irritation Toxicity  Gastrointestinal Obstruction
Pine cones are woody structures, and their fibrous nature makes them difficult to digest. Additionally, the outer parts of pine cones can be sharp and potentially cause irritation or injury to the digestive tract.

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